Monday, August 22, 2011

Ma ma

Yes, my darling daughter said MAMA perfectly clear today, followed by BABAMABA. Now I am excited for when she says mama..and actually means me :D

We are preparing for a move into our very first home, I am so excited I can barley contain it from bubbling over! Yay back to my home town!


  1. I found your blog from your comment left on my post on The Mom Pledge. I just have to say it is so cute! I was 20 when I got pregnant and I really think being a younger mom is a whole nother game! And kudos for you to doing it on your own. I can't imagine how strong you must be! Being a mother is no easy task and being a single mom has it's own additional challenges.

    Anyway, just wanted to leave you a comment and say hi from my personal blog. And that's so fun about your daughter finally saying Mama! The only time my son would say mama was when he wanted food or help with something lol

  2. That is a whole lot to be happy about mamma!! Thanks for stopping by today, I was glad to find your adorable blog! Oh yah, and to answer your question we grow many kinds of basil, mint, rosemary, thyme and sage. A fun one to grow is viatnamese cilantro!
